What is the benefit of blogging?

You pay nothing Instead you Earn in $$ !! You earn by displaying advertisements on your Blog. People are earning from $100 to $100,000 monthly! I am not kidding an example isshoemoney.com and problogger.net
Plus you will make new friends in the Blogosphere and you earn respect in the eyes of thousands of people. You can become a celebrity! But all this with a little hard work and great patience.
And the best advantage which I have experienced is that you learn every second online! Your internet and computer skills will improve to an extreme edge and this is what the coming era demands from you. Every second on blogging is undoubtedly a new experience! I have learnt HMTL, CSS, XML and a bit of JavaScript without taking any classes. I learnt them all within a year of my blogging career and today I am able to design a quality blogger template in less than three hours MashAllah!
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