I had developed a Facebook Static popout jquery effect Like box generator for you.This Widget Generator let's you easily generaate your favorite Facebook style Widget and also easily add to your Blogger Blog.In my previous Article (How to Add a Static Facebook jQuery Pop out Widget) I told you about Static Facebook POP OUT Widget installation manually.Use this Widget generator and Enjoy..!
Step 1: Add jQuery plugin (if your blog have a jquery plugin,ignore this step)
a lot of other tips and tricks like how to add more blogger widgets, add social book marking baar, add new sidebar, add facebook lik box , post google adse inside or below the post title , google adse between post,Horizontal manu bar for blogger, image slider for blogger.Please keep wathcing www.bloggingtrainings.blogspot.com flash for blogger templates, and a lot of other tricks for blogger users.
Step 1: Add jQuery plugin (if your blog have a jquery plugin,ignore this step)
- Go to Design->Edit HTML[Template->Edit HTML in new blogger interface]
- Copy below code inside <head>
<script src='http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js' type='text/javascript'/>
- Go to Design-> Page Elements
- Click add gadget and select HTML/javascript
- Copy and paste the generated code inside it and save it.
a lot of other tips and tricks like how to add more blogger widgets, add social book marking baar, add new sidebar, add facebook lik box , post google adse inside or below the post title , google adse between post,Horizontal manu bar for blogger, image slider for blogger.Please keep wathcing www.bloggingtrainings.blogspot.com flash for blogger templates, and a lot of other tricks for blogger users.
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